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Table of Content Volume 7 Issue 1 - July 2018


Role of traditional cadaveric dissection in learning –Perceptions of 1st MBBS students


Kirti Solanke1, Deepti Kulkarni2*, Archana Shekokar3


1,2Assistant Professor, 3Professor and HOD, Department of Anatomy, SKNMC, Pune, Maharashtra, INDIA.

Email: deepti_mok@yahoo.com


Abstract               Anatomy forms one of the basic subjects for medical and allied courses. Anatomy is traditionally taught and learned through didactic lectures, cadaveric dissection and tutorials/demonstrations. However, recent advances in information technology, computers, imaging techniques, plastination techniques etc. provide many alternate options for teaching and learning the subject. This combined with difficulties in procuring and preserving cadavers, financial and time constraint has prompted modern anatomists to question the relevance of traditional cadaveric dissection in education of anatomy. Few also claim that dissection produces strain on students. Said so, it is also not necessary that all the new technologies will always be available in all institutes. In addition, traditional cadaveric dissection has many other advantages like practice of handling human tissues, finding the body structures by yourself, promoting team work and reducing fear of death etc. As we teach anatomy to First year M.B.B.S. students by combining old and new methods, present study is done to compare the advantages and disadvantages of different methods as experienced by students and also to note their reactions in dissection hall. Present study was conducted on 200 1st year MBBS students by collecting feedback using Questionnaires in the dept. of Anatomy, SKNMC throughout different times of education year. With traditional method, most of the students experienced different physical symptoms like nausea, headache, watering, also fear and anxiety. Initial exposure with cadavers caused physical and emotional stress to students. This stress can be reduced by combining other teaching methods with Dissection. Perhaps it was preferred by most students. New methods are complimentary but not as replacement for traditional Dissection.

Key Words: Anatomy, Cadaver, Dissection, Learning methods, Stress.