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Table of Content - Volume 4 Issue 1- October 2016

Prevalence of peripheral vascular disease in type 2 diabetes mellitus and correlation with risk factors


B Ramakrishna


Assistant professor, Department of General Medicine, Mamata Medical College, Khammam, Telangana, INDIA.

Email: drbrkmd@rediffmail.com


Abstract              Objective: To study the prevalence of Peripheral Vascular Disease in patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus without overt foot disease. To study the correlation of Peripheral Vascular Disease with various risk factors. To correlate the association of Peripheral Vascular Disease with myocardial ischemia by ECG. Materials and Methods: Initial history was obtained regarding hyper glycemic symptoms, symptoms suggestive of limb ischemia, past history of Diabetic foot lesions, duration of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, hypertension and habit of smoking. The examination included height, weight, body mass index (BMI),waist hip ratio(WHR),screening for foot lesions, blood pressure recording, and detailed examination of all peripheral pulses. Fasting and post lunch blood sugar levels, complete urine examination, lipid profile, 12 lead electrocardiogram and color Doppler sonography of lower limb arterial system. Results: The prevalence of Peripheral Vascular Disease in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus without overt foot disease was found to be significant. 85.72% of patients with Peripheral Vascular Disease, have normal peripheral pulses on clinical Examination, suggesting more sensitivity of Doppler study. Preferential involvement of peroneal and dorsalis pedis arteries was seen. Myocardial ischemia suggested by electrocardiogram was found to be more in patient with Peripheral Vascular Disease. Conclusion: Risk factors significantly associated with PAD were--higher age, longer duration of diabetes, higher systolic and diastolic blood pressure, smoking and CAD. The prevalence of CAD was higher in patients with PAD. Thus the presence of PAD should alert the clinician to a high probability of underlying CAD.

Key Words: Peripheral vascular disease, diabetes mellitus type-2, myocardial ischemia.