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Table of Content - Volume 8 Issue 1 - October 2017


The impact of management styles on job satisfaction of dashtestan health care personnel – 2017


Hossein Tanha1, Abbas Ghavam2*, Karim Zare3


1Department of Healthcare Management, Marvdasht Branch, Islamic Azad University, Marvdasht, IRAN.

{2Assistant Professor, Department of Healthcare Management} {3Assistant Professor, Department of Statistics}

Marvdasht Branch, Islamic Azad University, Marvdasht, IRAN.


Abstract              Objective: The present study aims to investigate the effect of management styles on job satisfaction of the personnel of Dashtestan health care system. Method: The method used in this study was descriptive-correlational, and it was conducted in summer 2018 with 530 personnel of Dashtestan health care system. A total of 120 people completed a questionnaire using a random-stratified sampling method. Three questionnaires, of 1- Demographic characteristics (age, gender, education, etc.) 2- Management style 3- Job satisfaction have been used to collect data which has been analyzed with SPSS software. Results: According to the path analysis model, the direct path coefficient (beta) of each of the variables affecting job satisfaction is: democratic management (0.28), combined management (0.22), authoritarian management (0.20), the job nature (0.25), promotion (0.20) and salaries and allowances (- 0.40). Other dimensions have not had a direct impact on job satisfaction. Variables of management style in the democratic, combined and authoritarian dimensions have had an indirect effect through components of supervision and coworkers and the job environment. The T value of 0.551 shows that, due to the significant level achieved (0.583), the direct effect of the authoritarian management on job satisfaction is rejected. Also, the value of R2 = (0.106) indicates that the democratic management has explained about 10.6% of the changes in job satisfaction. Also, the value of R2= (0.07) indicates that the combined variable has explained about 7% of the changes in job satisfaction. There was a significant relationship among age (p <0.001), work experience (p <0.001), education (p = 0.036), work experience per year (P = 0.021), and gender variables (p = 0.125) did not show a significant relationship with job satisfaction. The relationship among demographic characteristics, management style, and job satisfaction shows that there is a significant relationship among education (p = 0.003), management style (p = 0.019) and job satisfaction of the staff, and there is no significant relationship among the age (p = 0.215), gender (p = 0.06) of the manager and job satisfaction of the staff. Based on the results of the test, the T-value is 0.635 and based on the obtained significance level (0.724), at the 95% confidence level, the zero regression coefficient of new management style is confirmed. Discussion and Conclusion: Therefore, training management styles should be one of the operational goals of organizations in general and the health care system in particular, and this should be emphasized in educational planning.

Key Words: Management style, job satisfaction, health care, Borazjan.