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Table of Content Volume 10 Issue 2 - May 2019



An anatomical evaluation of variations in the terminal branching pattern of facial nerve


Alka V Bhingardeo1, Mehera Bhoir2*


1Registrar, 2Professor and HOD, Department of Anatomy, HBTMC & Dr. R. N. Cooper Mun. Gen. Hospital Mumbai, INDIA.

Email: dr.alkabhingardeo@gmail.com


Abstract               Background: Facial nerve is the seventh cranial nerve which supplies all the muscles of facial expressions by its five terminal branches –temporal, zygomatic, buccal, marginal mandibular and cervical. In surgeries like rhytidectomy, bro uplifting procedures, tumors of the parotid gland and nerve transfer procedures, conservation of all these terminal branches is necessary. Present study is regarding the variations in the terminal branching pattern of the facial nerve. Materials and method: study was carried out on total 18 parotid regions of cadavers. Piece meal dissection of gland is carried out and nerve is traced upto its two divisions- temporofacial and cervicofacial. Results: as per Devis classification, we categorized branching pattern into six types. Our findings are – type I-5.5%, type II- 5.5%, type III-22.22%, type IV-16.66% and type VI-44.44%. We had not found any case of type V pattern. Conclusion: There are so many variations in the branching pattern of the facial nerve. It is necessary for the surgeon to be aware of such probable variations forthe right surgical approach in order to conserve the terminal branches and avoid post-operative morbidity like facial nerve paralysis.

Key Word: facial nerve.