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Table of Content Volume 5 Issue 3 - March 2018



Histogenesis of foetal thymus: A microstructural study in human


J K Sarkar1, B C Dutta2*


1Associate Professor, 2Professor, Department of Anatomy, Silchar Medical College, P.O.: Ghungoor, Silchar-14, Cachar -788014, Assam, INDIA.

Email: jksarkar31@gmail.com, drbijondutta@gmail.com


Abstract               Aim and Objectives: Aim of the study was to find the appearance of lobulation, lymphocyte cortico-medullary differentiation and Hassall’s corpuscles in thymus at different age groups of human foetus. Our objective was to observe the various histological changes that occurred in foetal thymus with the development of foetus at different gestational periods. Materials and Methods: Sample from 90 human foetuses were taken ranging from 9th -38th week of gestation. After tissue processing and fixation, sections were stained with Haematoxylin and Eosin and Leishman’s stains. The slides were examined under optical microscope. Results and Observation: Appearance of lobulation was observed at 9th week and completed by 12th week of gestation. The differentiation of cortex and medulla started at 9th week and completed between 12th and 14th weeks. The Hassall’s Corpuscles were observed at 14th week and its number and size increased during 15th -24th weeks. Monocytes and Macrophages were observed at 12th week. Conclusion: The study revealed significant microstructural changes of foetal thymus such as lobulation, differentiation of cortex and medulla. The appearance of Hassall’s Corpuscles occurred at 14 weeks and their number and sizes increased between 15-24 weeks of gestation.

Key Words: Foetal thymus, gestation, lobulation, cortex and medulla, Hassall’s Corpuscles.