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Table of Content Volume 6 Issue 1 - April 2018


Anatomical variations in the origin of profunda femoris artery


Preeti Shrivastava


Department of Anatomy, North Delhi Municipal Corporation Medical College and Hindu Rao Hospital, Malkaganj, Delhi. INDIA.

Email: drpreetishrivastava@gmail.com


Abstract               The profunda femoris artery (PFA) generally arises from the lateral aspect of femoral artery (FA) in the thigh, 3.5 cm distal to the inguinal ligament. Variations with respect to its point of origin, relation and branching pattern have been widely reported. Dissection of 21 lower limbs in the department of Anatomy at North Delhi Municipal Corporation Medical College and Hindu Rao Hospital, Delhi, demonstrated variations in the origin of PFA from the femoral artery. The PFAs were examined in detail for their origin, branches and relations. The distance of origin of PFA keeping midpoint of inguinal ligament as a reference point, were noted. PFA was found to originate from the femoral artery in 95.24% cases (20 out of 21 lower limbs) at a mean distance of 3.16cm on the right side and 3.07cm on the left side. In one rare case the PFA was found to originate 1.5cm above the midpoint of inguinal ligament from the lateral aspect of external iliac artery at the pelvic brim. Knowledge of this high origin of PFA has clinical implications for revascularizing by-pass surgeries such as aorto-common femoral artery bypass and profundoplasty, performed to relieve limb ischemia in atherosclerotic occlusive disease of aorto-iliac segment and superficial femoral artery, as well as in true aneurysms of common iliac artery and PFA.