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Table of Content Volume 6 Issue 1 - April 2018


Study of caudate lobe of liver in dissected cadaveric liver specimen


Anju Balaji More1*, Balaji Dagadu More2


1Associate Professor, Department of Anatomy, Maharashtra Institute of Medical Sciences and Research, Latur, Maharashtra-413512, INDIA.

2Clinical Pharmacologist, Latur, Maharashtra-413512, INDIA.

Email: as.anju@yahoo.in


Abstract               The study was planned to study the portal vessels in relation to caudate lobe of the liver specimen without any liver pathology obtained by cadaveric dissection. It is a study of pattern of portal vein supply to caudate lobe using cadaveric liver specimen preserved in formalin. Study also includes morphologic and biometric of inferior vena cava, main portal vein and its two main tributaries. Left portal vein supply to right portion of caudate lobe (64%) and left portion of caudate lobe (100%) of the total specimen studied. Caudate process has always received its blood supply from right branch of portal vein. The main portal vein terminates by dividing into right and left portal vein in majority of specimen. If segmental veins arise as direct branches of main trunk, either of the branches are absent. The internal and external diameter of Inferior vena cava, main portal vein and its right and left tributary has been measured. Study of Pattern of portal vessels by dissection tells about different arrangements and range of dimensions of these vessels. It aids to define segments and their respectability prior to surgery.

Key Words: Caudate (Spigelian) lobe, Caudate process, Portal vein, Liver.