A case study of psoriasis which responded well to Panchtiktaghrut guggul and 777 oil as Shamana therapy
Drushti Raval¹*, Jayant J Phadke², Anuja Wadadekar³
1PG Scholar, ²Professor & HOD, ³Assistant Professor, Department of Agadtantra College of Ayurved and Research Centre, Nigdi, Pune, Maharashtra, INDIA Email: dr.drushtiraval@gmail.com
Abstract Background: Skin is the largest organ of the body. In Ayurveda all the skin diseases are described under a umbrella term‘Kushtha.’ Kushtha is caused when the tridosha i.e, vata , pitta, kapha are disturbed. According to Acharya Kashyap, the clinical features of Ekakushta resembles psoriasis. Psoriasis is not a fatal disease but it hampers the quality of life. It is difficult to treat as it has high recurrence, according to modern medicine it is auto-immune, non-contagious disorder and is very difficult to cure. This is case study of Psoriasis vulgaries . The patient have taken treatment from various pathies but due to frequent recurrence approached towards Ayurvedic medicines. Since the patient was willing to take only shamana chikitsa he was treated with internal medicine and external application for 2 months. Keywords: Psoriasis, Panchtiktaghrut guggul,777 oil, shamana chikitsa
INTRODUCTION Psoriasis is defined as auto-immune disorder characterized by abnormal patches which are dry, itchy and scaly. This disease have various type of presentation they may be small patchy with localised presentation to extensively spread all over the body including scalp, palms and sole. Even being auto-immune disease, the symptoms aggrevates due to environmental changes, general illness, stress or local trauma. Modern science treats this disease with PUVA and corticosteroids which can be toxic to liver, kidney and other vital organs of the body. But according to Ayurveda this disease occurs due to imbalance of tridosha. All the skin diseases are treated in the following sequence sodhana, shamana and rasayana chikitsa. Treating Psoriasis is a challenge due to its remission and excebation nature. Here we prescribed the internal medication along with the local application as the patient was not willing to undergo the sodhana chikitsa and we had the following finding after 2 months.
A Case Report Study: A 20 years old male patient visited Ayurvedic opd in May 2019 with chief complaints of
Patient had above complaints, since 3-4 months H/O- No H/O of D/M, HTN, Asthma or any major illness. Family H/O – No H/O of D/M, HTN, Asthma or any major illness. Medicinal History: Use of steroids locally as well as orally . Surgical History: No any operative done till date. Allergic: No known history of allergy to any medicine. History of present illness: The patient was normal 3-4 months back. Since then patient have been suffering from Reddish patch which firstly appeared over upper limbs, lower limbs, trunk, head, and lastly scalp with scaling and severe itching. For this patient have taken local and internal steroids for 1 month but no significant relief was observed and the patient had stopped to respond to local steroids. For the further management they came to our hospital for ayurvedic medicine. Personal History: Occupation- Job Addiction - Guthkha chewing. O/E Nadi(Pulse)- 72/min Mala(Stool)- Satisfactory Mutra(urine)- Normal Jeevha(Tongue)- Eshat saam Agni (Appetite) – Mandagni Shabda(Speech)- Normal Sparsha(Skin) – Khara,Ruksha,Raktawarniya (dry,reddish) Druka(Eyes)- Normal Akruti (Physic)- Madhyam Bala- Madhyam Raktadaba- 130/80 mm Hg Bhar – 86 kg Height- 175 cm General examination: RS- AEBE clear CVS- S1, S2 Normal CNS- conscious and oriented. P/A- Soft Local examination:
PASI Score- Before treatment- Table 1
Table 2
Table 3
Total(D)= 2.1+2.8+13.5+9.6; PASI Score= 28
After treatment- Table 4
Table 5
Table 6
Total(D)= 0.2+0.2+1.8+0.4; PASI Score = 2.6
Material with prognosis: Table 7
First follow-up: First follow-up was taken after one month and there was 50% relief in the symptoms and hence the same dose was continued for next one month. Second follow-up: Second follow-up was taken after one month after first follow-up and the symptoms were relieved by 85%.
Manasika Nidan:
Samprapti Ghatak: Dosha: Tridosha Dushya: Rasa and Rakta Adhishtan : Twak Action of Drug in the management of Psoriasis: Panchatiktaghrut Guggul:
777 oil: Shwet Kutaj and coconut are its content
DISSCUSSION The holistic approach of Ayurvedic medicine helps to get more relief and also boost the immunity. In addition if this medicines are given with sodhana chitiksa it will definitely boost up the result and thus may help to avoid recurrence of this disease.
CONCLUSION Ayurvedic medicines helps to get satisfactory results. This is observed through the case study that the combination of two drugs of which one is to be taken internally and one is applied externally can help us to get this results. There are many more combinations which can be used. Further study can be conducted on large number of patients for verification of efficacy. Definitely it would be helpful for the people.