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Table of Content - Volume 13 Issue 1 - Janauary 2020


Study of swine origin influenza a H1N1 virus infection in Maharashtra - A perspective approach


Mubin Rafiq Momin


Assistant Professor, Department of General Medicine, PIMS. Islampur-415409. Sangli, Maharashtra, INDIA.

Email: mominmubin0@gmail.com


Abstract              Background: The influenza originated from swine has H1N1 virus, which causes pandemic infection globally which attacks mainly young population. Hence attempt was to study the various stratifications of H1N1 viral infections. Method: 48 adult admitted at ICU having symptoms of H1N1 were studied which had RT-PCR positive. Their blood examination CBC, HB% S. cretanine SGPT, PH, Arterial blood gas Fi02/pa02 was also studied blood and urine culture chest x-ray was also studied to confirm the severity of H1N1 infection. Results: clinical magnification mainly respiratory distress- cough 21.4% fever 21% breathlessness 15% sore throat, 11.7% Nasal discharge, 11.4% expectoration, 11.2%, bodyache, 10.8% headache, 9.8%, vomiting, 6.8% diarrhea, 5.2%, fatigue 4.2%, laboratory findings- Anemia 7(14.5%) leucopenia 14(29.1%), thrombo cytopenia 5(10.4%), Renal dysfunction 10(20.8%), Hyperalbaineria 3(6.25%) SGPT 9(18.7%). In the comparative study of positive H1N1 and Negative H1N1 patients admitted at ICU was ARF during illness had in 14 positive patients and zero in –ve patients PH on admission in +ve patients was 7.4 to 0.2 and 7.1±o.1 in –ve patients Fio2 in +ve was 90±52, 91±42 in –ve. In +ve patients Pa02 was 46±15 in –ve 50±6. Conclusion: The early clinical management of H1N1 will be quite effective to prevent morbidity and mortalities moreover vaccination awareness also plays vital role to prevention of pandemic H1N1¬ virus.

Key Words: swim flue H1N1 Pa02/Fi02 ARDS= Acute respiratory distress syndrome