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Table of Content Volume 15 Issue 3 - September 2020

Clinical profile and etiogical spectrum of patients with acute kidney injury at a tertiary care hospital


N S Deshpande1*, Jugal Harkut2


1Professor & HOD, Department of Medicine, 2Junior Resident, Vilasrao Deshmukh Institute of Medical Sciences, Latur, Maharashtra, INDIA

Email: drneelima08@gmail.com , jugalkishorehrkt@gmail.com


Abstract              Background: Acute kidney injury is the major causes of preventable morbidity and mortality worldwide. We conducted an observational single-centre study from January 2018 to June 2019, with 170 patients. Aim and Objectives: The goal of this study was to organize the clinical presentation of Acute kidney injury patients and to survey the clinical presentation of Acute kidney injury in regard to its fluctuated etiologies. Material and Methods: In this study age more than 12 years and patients admitted to Medicine ward and Intensive care unit with Acute Kidney Injury were enrolled. Diabetic nephropathy, diagnosed case of chronic kidney disease, surgical cases not included in this study. After written consent, detail history was taken of all the selected patients. Detail clinical examination conducted and the findings were recorded on a prestructured proforma sheet. Result: Out of 170, 112 were males and 58 were females. In this study we noticed that decreased urine output, swelling over face and lower limb and vomiting was most common presenting symptoms comprising of 44%, 45% and 34% respectively. The common aetiologies were acute gastroenteritis (20%), snake and unknown bite (18.8%), Infective causes (15.8%) and Poisoning and drug induced (15.2%). Conclusion: Decreased urine output, swelling over face and lower limb and vomiting were common presentation of Acute Kidney Injury in this study. Highest incidence of Acute Kidney Injury was attributed to medical disorders consisting of mainly septicemia, acute gastroenteritis, multiple organ dysfunction syndrome, snake bite and Nephrotoxic drugs.