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Table of Content Volume 15 Issue 3 - September 2020

Study of treatment response to anemia in females admitted in tertiary care hospital


Neelima S Deshpande1, Khan Nazneen Jameel Khan2*


1Professor & HOD, 2Resident, Department of Medicine, Vilasrao Deshmukh Government Institute of Medical Sciences, Latur, Maharashtra.

Email: dr.neelima08@gmail.com, milestone10015028@gmail.com


Abstract              Background: Anaemia is a major public health problem worldwide, particularly in females. The attitude and knowledge of the women about anaemia and supplements is probably the missing link and is an important factor as a barrier for motivation for anaemia treatments. Aim: To evaluate treatment response to anaemia of various types in females admitted in our tertiary care hospital. Material and Methods: A total of 60 females were selected in each group and there were three groups (12-30years)(31-50years) (more than 50years).Type of anaemia was established after laboratory investigations. The females after diagnosis with anaemia are treated with different modes of treatment including oral and injectable form of supplements. Treatment response was evaluated. Results: Iron deficiency anaemia females shows the very good response to iron folic acid supplement making an important steps of preventing iron deficiency anaemia in females if there is timely distribution of iron folic acid tablets among the females. Similarly, the females with the megaloblastic anaemia were treated with the syrup vitcofol had shown the very good response to treatment. In patients with anaemia due to chronic diseases, the injectable erythropoietin was used along with the iron sucrose, this had drastically improve the red cell indices thereby reducing the need of transfusion. Conclusion: The present need of the health care system is to develop the awareness among the females about available anaemia treatments. The oral supplements have good response to treatment. Food fortification with important micronutrients can have the better impact on the nutritional status.

Keywords:Anaemia, females, iron, folic acid, erythropoetin, response.