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Section Editor's Profile



    Surname                                                                              Paul

    Other Names                                                                     Nsirimobu Ichendu

    Date of Birth                                                                       12th October, 1971

    Place of Birth                                                                      Port Harcourt

    Sex                                                                                         Male

    Nationality                                                                          Nigerian

    Hometown                                                                         Isiokpo

    Marital Status                                                                    Married with 4 children

    Local Government Area                                                Ikwerre Local Government Area

    State of Origin                                                                   Rivers State

    Profession                                                                          University Lecturer and Medical Doctor

    Field of Specialisation                                                     Paediatric Infectious Diseases

    Religion                                                                                Christianity

    Permanent Home Address                                           Paul’s Compound Ogbodo, Isiokpo

    Contact Address                                                               Department of Paediatrics and Child Health,

    University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital

    P.O.Box 6173

                                                                                                    Port Harcourt, Rivers State.

    Telephone Number                                                        +234 803-312-6056

    E-mail addresses                                                              nsirimobu.paul@uniport.edu.ng


    Language Spoken                                                             English, Ikwerre

    Extra Curriculum Activities                                           Singing, Reading




    Leadership and Management in Health (LMIH) University of Washington Dec., 2018

    Fellow, West African College of Physicians-Paediatrics (FWACP)                  April, 2010

    Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (MB, BS) University of Port Harcourt,

    Rivers State, Nigeria                                                                                                                        May, 1997

    West African School Certificate (WASC)                                                                  June, 1986

    First School Leaving Certificate (FSLS)                                                                      Oct., 1981



Post Graduate Residency Training in Paediatrics:

University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital, Port Harcourt, Nigeria.      Oct. 2003- April 2010

Undergraduate Medical Training:

College Health Sciences, University of Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria Oct. 1989- May 1997


Secondary School:

Government Comprehensive Secondary School, Borokiri, Port Harcourt   Jan. 1982- June 1986

Primary School:

St. Paul’s State School Ogbodo, Isiokpo.                                                                 Sept.1976- Oct. 1981




Senior Lecturer, Department of Paediatrics and Child Health. College of Health Sciences, University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria.                                                                                Oct 2014 till date


Training of medical students in their fifth year in Medical school, University of Port Harcourt

Lecturing and facilitating learning in general Paediatrics and Paediatric Infectious Diseases

Departmental Coordinator, Undergraduate Dentistry students Posting in Paediatrics

Lecturing and clinical training of fifth year Dentistry students in Paediatrics

Lecturing of Post graduate students in Sports Medicine, University of Port Harcourt

Conducting medical examinations and coordinating post tutorial evaluations in Paediatrics

Mentoring of students

Conducting Research activities in Paediatrics and Paediatric Infectious diseases

Departmental Tutorial Coordinator, undergraduate Medical students                                                                  


Honorary Consultant Paediatrician, Department of Paediatrics, University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital, Nigeria.                                                                                                                 March 2011 till date


Unit Consultant, Paediatric Infectious Disease Unit

Consult, coordinate and oversee the running of the General Outpatient Clinic and Paediatric Infectious Disease Clinic

Facilitate learning for fifth year medical students and preparing Residents Doctors in Paediatrics for Part I and Part II Fellowship Examinations of the National Postgraduate Medical College and the West African College of Physicians.

Conducting Consultant Ward Rounds and bedside teaching of Medical students and Resident Doctors in the Children’s Emergency Wards and the Children Medical Wards

Daily Infectious Disease Call Duty for review of children presenting with complicated infectious diseases and those living with HIV/AIDS

Supervision of Part II Dissertation in Paediatrics and Masters dissertation in Community Medicine

Training of other Health care workers


Lecturer I, Department of Paediatrics and Child Health, College of Health Sciences, University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria                                                                                                                March 2011 – Sept. 2014


Training of medical students in their fifth year in Medical school, University of Port Harcourt

Lecturing and clinical training of fifth year Dentistry students in Paediatrics

Lecturing and facilitating learning in general Paediatrics and Paediatric Infectious Diseases

Conducting medical examinations and coordinating students post tutorial evaluations in Paediatrics

Mentoring of students

Conducting Research activities in Paediatrics and Paediatric Infectious diseases

 Research Fellow, Institute of Maternal and Child Health, University of Port Harcourt

                                                                                                                                                                June 2012 - June 2013

• Writing Proposal for and training of Health workers in activities related to Maternal and Child Health

• Advocacy visits and Mobilisation of LGA Chairman and other stakeholders in Gokana Local Government Area (LGA) in Rivers State on matters pertaining to Maternal and Child Health in their communities.

• Audit of maternal and perinatal deaths in Gokana Local Government Area (LGA) in Rivers State.

Community screening of children for physical and developmental disability in primary schools and health centres in Obio-Akpor LGA.

• Community sensitization and public enlightenment on issues on Maternal and Child Health in different communities


Chief Resident, Department of Paediatrics, University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital, Nigeria                                                                                                                                           Dec. 2009-July 2010


I prepared the Departments’ Monthly duty schedule and ensured that every duty point was covered effectively

I signed in and signed off all House officers who were on internship and ensured that they completed their 3 months rotation in the Department while solving administrative matters related to them

I ensured the smooth running of the Department, working closely with the Head of Department

I served as a member of the Department Revolving Fund Committee

I coordinated all Departmental activities including presentations from drug companies

I participated in organizing professional examinations for medical students and preparing Residents for the Part I and Part II Post Graduate Fellowship Examinations of the National Postgraduate Medical College of Nigeria and West Africa College of Physicians


Senior Registrar, Department of Paediatrics, University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital, Nigeria.                                                                                                                                       Nov. 2006 – April 2010

Actively involved in teaching and assessment of Medical students, Junior Resident Doctors and Nurses

Providing specialist outpatient and Inpatient care of Paediatric emergencies, Oncology, Nephrology, Infectious diseases, Neurology, Haematology, Neonatology and Intensive new born care, Community Paediatrics and Primary Health care

Supervision of junior Residents and pre-registration House Officers during ward rounds and outpatient clinics

Presentation of medical cases and topics to supervising consultants during ward rounds, unit and Departmental seminars, Clinical meetings and hospital Grand Rounds

Data collection for research purposes

Attended Update, Research and Management Courses



Registrar, Department of Paediatrics, University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital, Nigeria.

Oct. 2003 – Nov. 2006

I learnt under Senior Registrars and Consultants in various Paediatric postings such as Paediatric Infectious disease unit, Emergency Paediatrics, General Paediatrics, Neonatology, Oncology, Haematology, Neurology, Nephrology, Respiratology, Community and Preventive Paediatrics.

I was the first on call at least three times a week and was involved in the bedside teaching of Medical students and Nurses, daily inpatient ward rounds and running of outpatient Clinics

I was involved in weekly students’ tutorials and tutorial tests

I actively participated in the weekly departmental activities such as clinical case presentations, post graduate seminars and journal club meetings

I attended many update courses


Medical Officer, Prime Medical Consultants, Port Harcourt and International Christian Hospital, Owerri                                                                                                                                                2000 – Oct. 2003

I was involved in general medical outpatient and inpatient services including primary and secondary Health care services.

I performed minor surgical procedures under supervision and assisted in major surgeries.

I conducted and took deliveries and was passionately involved in the care and treatment of children and the counselling of their caregivers on childhood related illnesses.

 National Youth Service Corp (NYSC) doctor. Owerri-North local Government Area, Imo State.                                                                                                                                                     Jan. 1999 – Feb.2000

I worked as the medical officer in charge of a Comprehensive Health centre in one of the communities in the LGA.

I was involved in the general inpatient and outpatient care of patients in the community including children and pregnant women.

I was the only doctor employed by the LGA and so was involved in the visiting of many Health posts and Health centres in the LGA where I see medical cases involving children and adults and make referrals where necessary.

 House Officer, University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital, Port Harcourt, Nigeria                                                                                                                                                                      Oct. 1997 – Sept. 1998

This was an internship programme under supervision in which I rotated every three months in the four major departments of Medicine which include; Paediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Internal Medicine and Surgery. It lasted for twelve months.

I was the first on call and was involved in the clerking of patients, inpatient care, ordering of laboratory investigations, securing intravenous access, commencing initial treatment and making sure laboratory investigation results and blood were available when needed before ward rounds and surgery.

I participated in the bedside teaching of medical students and student nurses and presented cases during ward rounds. I worked under the supervision of registrars, senior registrars and consultants.

Professional Courses and Workshops Attended


1.ENDNOTE WORKSHOP, University of Port Harcourt held at the Emerald Energy Institute,            

University of Port Harcourt                                                                                                          July 2019

2. Vaccinology Workshop, International Paediatric Association (IPA), Union of National African

Paediatric Societies and Associations (UNAPSA) and Paediatric Association of Nigeria.                                                                                                                                                                                       Jan. 2018

3. National Training of Trainers on In-Patient Management of Severe Acute Malnutrition organised by the Federal Ministry of Health                                                                                            October 2017

4. Proposal and Dissertation writing organised by the Faculty of Paediatrics, West African College of Physician                                                                                                                                      July 2017

5. Training of Trainers (TOT) on Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI)                                                                                                                                                                                          July 2016

6. Training as an Immunization Champion organised by Paediatric Association of Nigeria (PAN) In collaboration with American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) collaboration Project        

April 2016


7. Basic and Paediatric Advanced life support workshop TRiGEN Healthcare solutions, USA                                                                                                                                                                             Jan. 2015

8. National Training of Trainers (TOT) on Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine (PCV) Introduction in Nigeria. Organized by NPHCDA In Collaboration with WHO.                       Oct. 2014


9. Research Methodology Workshop Organised by A.A.U. WEST AFRICAN SUB-REGIONAL NETWORK                                                                                                                                          June 2013


10. Curriculum Development Workshop: Integration of HIV into Curriculum of HEIs. Organised by A.A.U. WEST AFRICAN SUB-REGIONAL NETWORK                                           June 2013


11. International Child Tuberculosis Training Course – Cape Town, South Africa                                                                                                                                                                                                    Nov. 2011

12. 3rd Annual Teaching Course in Paediatric Nephrology, Abuja. Organised by the Paediatric Nephrology Association of Nigeria (PNAN)                                                                 Jan. 2011


13. Mid-Level Managers (MLM) Course for Expanded Programme on Immunization (EPI) Managers. Benin City, Nigeria organised by the National Primary Health Care Development Agency (NPHCDA)                                                                                                                                                  July 2009


14. Human Resources management course, National Post Graduate Medical College of Nigeria                                                                                                                                                                     March 2009


15. Clinical Research Methodology. National Post Graduate Medical College of Nigeria.                                                                                                                                                                                    March 2009


16. Neonatal Resuscitation organised by the Paediatric Association of Nigeria in Collaboration with the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-Day Saints.                                                   Jan. 2009


17. Update Course in Paediatrics, West African College of Physicians         Jul. 2004


18. Workshop on Breastfeeding, Counseling Update Course/HIV Infant Feeding Counseling                                                                                                                                                                            Feb. 2004






Professional Conferences Attended


1. 50th Annual General and Scientific Conference, Paediatric Association of Nigeria (PANCONF)and 6th International Scientific Conference                                                                     Jan. 2019

2. 49th Annual General and Scientific Conference, Paediatric Association of Nigeria (PANCONF)                                                                                                                                                    Jan. 2018

3. 1st International Malaria Colloquium, University of Port Harcourt, Rivers State.               

May 2016

4. 47th Annual General Meeting and Scientific Conference, Paediatric Association of Nigeria (PANCONF)                                                                                                                                  Jan. 2016


5. 39th Annual General and Scientific Meeting, Owerri, West Africa College of Physicians – Nigerian Chapter                                                                                                                                           July 2015


6. 46th Annual General and Scientific Conference, Paediatric Association of Nigeria (PANCONF)                                                                                                                                                    Jan. 2015


7. 45th Annual General and Scientific Conference, Paediatric Association of Nigeria (PANCONF)                                                                                                                                                    Jan. 2014


8. 8th World Congress of the World Society for Paediatric Infectious Disease (WSPID) Cape Town, South Africa.                                                                                                                                      Nov. 2013


9. 1st Annual Congress of the Allergy Society of Kenya International Hotel Nairobi.                                                                                                                                                                                              Sept. 2013


10. 44th Annual General and Scientific Conference, Paediatric Association of Nigeria (PANCONF)                                                                                                                                                  Jan. 2013



11. 43rd Annual General and Scientific Conference, Paediatric Association of Nigeria (PANCONF)                                                                                                                                                  Jan. 2012


12. International XIX AIDS Conference Washington DC, USA                          July 2012



13. 35th Annual General and Scientific Meeting West Africa College of Physicians – Nigerian Chapter                                                                                                                                                          July 2011


14. 42nd Annual General and Scientific Conference, Paediatric Association of Nigeria (PANCONF)                                                                                                                                                 Jan. 2011


15. West African College of Physicians, 34th Annual General and Scientific Meeting-Freetown

Sierra Leone                                                                                                                                       Nov. 2010



16. 5th International and 40th Annual General and Scientific Paediatric Association of Nigeria Conference (PANCONF)                                                                                                                Jan. 2009



17. 35th Annual General and Scientific Conference, Paediatric Association of Nigeria (PANCONF)                                                                                                                                                  Jan. 2003



1. Alikor EAD, Paul NI. Convulsions in the Emergency room: Presentation, Common causes and their Management. In Azubuike JC, Nkanginieme KEO (Eds). Paediatrics and Child Health in a Tropical Region 3rd Edition. Educational Printing and Publishing Surulere, Lagos, Nigeria 2016; Chapter 41: pages 428-433 ISBN: 978-81906735-01


2. Edelu BO, Paul NI. Severe Anaemia: Common causes and emergency management. In Azubuike JC, Nkanginieme KEO (Eds). Paediatrics and Child Health in a Tropical Region 3rd Edition. Educational Printing and Publishing Surulere, Lagos, Nigeria 2016; Chapter 46: pages 441-443. ISBN: 978-81906735-01


3. Paul NI, Ibekwe MU. Common ENT disorders. In Azubuike JC, Nkanginieme KEO (Eds). Paediatrics and Child Health in a Tropical Region 3rd Edition. Educational Printing and Publishing Surulere, Lagos, Nigeria 2016; Chapter 133: Pages 1486-1498. ISBN: 978-81906735-01


4. Paul NI, Ujuambi AS, Jebbin N. Physical examination skill 8: Musculoskeletal system examination. In Ifeoma C, Anochie, J.I.Kimalo, J.M. Adotey, Sandra N. Ofori (Eds). MacArthur Clinical Skills Laboratory, Structured Clinical Clerking: Performance Checklists, Checkoffs and Video Models FOR History Taking, General and Systems Physical Examination. University of Port Harcourt Press Choba Park, Choba 2016; chapter 12: Pages 57-63. ISBN: 978-978-54302-6-2




1. Akuse RM, Eke FU, Ademola AD, Fajolu IB, Paul NI et al Diagnosing renal failure due to diethylene glycol in children in a resource-constrained setting. Pediatric Nephrology (2012) 27: 1021-1028 (Switzerland) (My contribution in this paper is 20%) *


2. Paul NI, Alikor EAD, Anochie IC. Factors associated with Enuresis among Primary School Children in Port Harcourt. Nigeria Journal of Paediatrics 2013;40 (4): 370-374 (Nigeria) (My contribution in this paper is 60%) *


3. Paul NI, Ugwu RO. Diphtheria in a 13-year-old adolescent girl: Management Challenges-Case report. Nigeria Journal of Paediatrics 2014; 41 (3): 247 –250 (Nigeria) (My contribution in this paper is 50%) *


4. Paul NI, Fatoki OP. Mothers’ perception of teething in children. The Nigerian Health Journal 2014; 14(1): 21-26 (Nigeria) (My contribution in this paper is 70%) *


5. Nte AR, Akpa MR, Paul, NI. Uncontrolled Hypertension in a child with Phaeochromocytoma – Management Challenges in a Resource –Limited Setting. The Nigerian Health Journal 2014; 14(2): 91-96 (Nigeria) (My contribution in this paper is 40%) *


6. Ejimadu CS, Paul NI. Amblyopia in Black Children: as seen in University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital, Nigeria. British Journal of Medicine and Medical Research 2015; 5(6): 814-818 (United Kingdom) (My contribution in this paper is 50%)*


7. Paul NI, Gabriel-Brisibe CU. The awareness of autism amongst primary school teachers in Yenagoa city, Bayelsa state. Nigeria Journal of Paediatrics 2015; 42(1): 51-55 (Nigeria) (My contribution in this paper is 50%) *


8. Paul NI, Peterside O. Hepatitis B vaccination rate among Medical Students at the University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital (UPTH). World Journal of Vaccines 2015; 5: 1-7. http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/wjv.2015.51001 (China) (My contribution in this paper is 70%) *


9. George IO, Paul NI. Haematological Indices of HIV Infected Antiretroviral-naïve Children in Port Harcourt, Nigeria.. African Journal of Haematology and Oncology 2015; 5:21-26 (Malawi) (My contribution in this paper is 50%)


10. Onyeonoro UU, Chuku JN, Nwafor CC, Meka AO, Omotowo BI, Paul NI et al. Evaluation of Patient Satisfaction with Tuberculosis Services in Southern Nigeria. Health Services Insights. 2015; 8:25-33 (USA) (My contribution in this paper is 20%)

11. Paul NI, Yaguo Ide LE. Challenges in the Management of Sepsis in a Resource-Poor Setting. International Journal of Clinical Medicine, 2017; 8(6): 412-421 (China) (My contribution in this paper is 50%)

12. Paul NI, Edelu BO. Evaluation of the preparedness of the Children’s Emergency Rooms (CHER) in Southern Nigeria for service delivery. Nigerian Journal of Paediatrics 2017; 44 (2):63 – 67 (Nigeria) (My contribution in this paper is 50%)


13. Paul NI, Okoh BAN, Alikor EAD. HIV Encephalopathy (HIVE) in Children at the University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital (UPTH), Port Harcourt, Nigeria. International Journal of Clinical Medicine, 2018; 9(6): 495-504. (China) (My contribution in this paper is 50%)


14. Paul NI, Jaja T, Opara PI. Occupational Exposure to Blood and Body Fluids among Interns in a Tertiary Hospital in Port Harcourt, Nigeria. Open Access Library Journal 2018; 5: 1-9. https://doi.org/10.4236/oalib.1104122s (China) (My contribution in this paper is 50%)


15. Alex-Hart BA, Paul NI, Ugwu RO. Tuberculosis among School Age (6 - 18 Years) Children Seen in University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital: A Need for Effective School Health Services. Journal of Tuberculosis Research. 2019; 7: 109-117 (China) (My contribution in this paper is 40%)


16. Paul NI, Alex- Hart BA, Ugwu RO. Tuberculosis in Children Aged 0-5 Years at the University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital (UPTH), Nigeria - How Common is HIV in Children with Tuberculosis. International Journal of TROPICAL DISEASE & Health. 2019; 36(3): 1-8 (India) (my contribution in this paper is 40%)


17. Gabriel-Job N, Paul NI. Prevalence of Pulmonary Tuberculosis among Presumptive Cases in Rivers State, Nigeria. International Journal of TROPICAL DISEASE & Health.2019; 36(4): 1-9 (India) (My contribution in this paper is 50%)


18. Paul NI, Maduka O, Chijioke-Nwauche I, Awopeju ATO, Kasso T, Oboro IL et al. Malaria Preventive Practices among Under-five Children in Rivers State, Nigeria. International Journal of TROPICAL DISEASE & Health. 2019; 37(3): 1-11 (India) (My contribution in this paper is 50%)


19. Yaguo Ide LE, Paul NI, Ugwu RO. Multidrug Resistant Tuberculosis in Children in Port Harcourt – A Worrisome Trend. International Journal of TROPICAL DISEASE & Health. 2019; 37(3): 1-8 (India) (My contribution in this paper is 40%)


20. Duru C, Paul NI. Peterside O, Akinbami F. Pattern of mortality among Childhood emergencies at the Niger Delta University Teaching Hospital, Bayelsa State, Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Paediatrics 2019; 46 (2): 55 60. (Nigeria) (My contribution in this paper is 40%)


21. Yaguo Ide LE, Paul NI. Human Immunodeficiency Virus in Children with Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM) at Ola During Children’s Hospital Freetown, Sierra Leone. SSRG International Journal of Medical Science (SSRG-IJMS) 2019; 6(7): 28-34 (India) (My contribution in this paper is 50%)


22. Alex-Hart BA, Paul NI Pattern and Outcome of Childhood Tuberculosis Seen at the University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital. Nigeria Journal of Tuberculosis Research. 2019; 7: 170-183. (China) (My contribution in this paper is 50%)


23. Ugwu RO, Paul NI, Eneh AU. Pregnancy Outcome of ART-experienced and ART-naïve HIV-infected Mothers at the University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital, Port Harcourt, Nigeria. Journal of Advances in Medicine and Medical Research. 2019; 30(9): 1-10. (United Kingdom) (My contribution in this paper 30%)


24. Paul NI, Gabriel-Job N. Adherence to Isoniazid Preventive Therapy (IPT) among Children in Close Contact with Adult Pulmonary Tuberculosis (PTB) Patients. Journal of Advances in Medicine and Medical Research. 2019; 30(11): 1-8. (India) (My contribution in this paper is 50%)


25. Paul NI, Yaguo Ide LE. Severe Falciparum Malaria: Prevalence, Comorbidities and Outcome in children in Port Harcourt, Nigeria. SSRG International Journal of Medical Science (SSRG-IJMS) 2019; 6 (10):5-13. (India) (My contribution in this paper is 50%)


26. Paul NI, Duru CO. Rheumatic Fever and Rheumatic Heart Disease: A Physicians Perspective. Journal of Advances in Medicine and Medical Research. 2019; 30(11): 1-12. (United Kingdom) (My contribution in this paper is 50%)


27. Paul NI, Ugwu RO. Outcome of Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission (PMTCT) of HIV Services at the University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital (UPTH), Port Harcourt, Nigeria. Asian Journal of Medicine and Health. 2019; 17(2): 1-11 (India) (my contribution in this paper is 50%)


28. Vincent CM, Da Lilly-Tariah, OB, Onotai, LO, Paul NI. Pattern of Otorhinolaryngological Disorders in HIV Positive Paediatric Patients at the University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital (UPTH). Asian Journal of Medicine and Health. 2019; 17(2): 1-9. (India) (my contribution in this paper is 40%)

29. Vincent CM, Paul NI. Hearing Disorders among HIV Positive Children at the University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital, Port Harcourt, Nigeria. Journal of Scientific Research and Reports. 2019; 25(5):1-9 (India) (my contribution in this paper is 50%)


30. Paul NI, Ugwu RO. Caregivers/Patients Perception and Satisfaction with Outpatient HIV Services at the University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital (UPTH), Port Harcourt, Nigeria. Journal of Scientific Research and Reports. 2019; 25(5): 1-9. (United Kingdom) (my contribution in this paper is 50%)


31. Kasso T, Oboro IL, Maduka O, Awopeju ATO, Paul NI, Yaguo Ide LE et al Malaria Preventive Practices among Pregnant Women in Akwa Ibom State, Southern Nigeria. Archives of Current Research International. 2019; 19(3): 1-8. (India) (my contribution in this paper is 30%)


32. Paul NI, Alex-Hart BA. Breastfeeding Practice among HIV Positive Mothers Receiving Care for PMTCT at the University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital (UPTH), Port Harcourt, Nigeria. Archives of Current Research International, 2019; 19(3): 1-8. (India) (My contribution in this paper is 50%)


33. Eneh AU, Ugwu RO, Paul NI. HIV Disclosure in Children in This Millenium –Should It still be an Issue? Advances in Research. 2019; 20(5): 1-11 (India) (My contribution in this paper is 30%)


34. Paul NI, George IO. Enuresis among children with sickle cell anaemia in Port Harcourt. International Journal of Development Research. 2020; 10 (01): 33491-33495 (India) (My contribution in this paper is 50%)


35. Paul NI, Awopeju ATO, Chijioke-Nwauche IN, KassoT, Oboro IL, Yaguo Ide LE, et al. Comparative Study on Malaria Preventive Practices among Under-Five Children in Three States in South-South Nigeria. International Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2020;11: 70-83. (India) (My contribution in this paper is 50%)


36. Eneh AU, Ugwu RO, Paul NI. HIV Disclosure in Children in a Tertiary Hospital in Southern Nigeria–Child’s Perspective. Asian Journal of Medicine and Health. 2020;18(1): 16-27 (India) (My contribution in this paper is 30%)


37. Paul NI, Duru CO. Childhood Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) in Two Tertiary Hospitals in South-South Nigeria. Archives of Current Research International 2020; 20(1): 13-23 (India) (My contribution in this paper is 70%)

38. Duru CO, Paul NI, Tunde-Oremodu I. Echocardiographic Findings in HIV Positive Children on Anti-retroviral Therapy Attending Routine Outpatient Infectious Disease Clinics in the Niger Delta Region of Nigeria. Advances in Research 2020; 21(1): 22-33 (India) (My contribution in this paper is 40%)


39. Paul NI Ugwu RO. Uptake of Provider-Initiated Testing and Counselling (PITC) at the University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital (UPTH), Port Harcourt, Nigeria. International Journal of Current Research. 2020; 12 (1): 9506-9510 DOI: https://doi.org/10.24941/ijcr.37601.01.2020 (India) (My contribution in this paper is 50%)



40. Paul NI, Ugwu RO. Dolutegravir (DTG) Based Fixed Dose Combination (FDC) of Tenofovir/Lamivudine/Dolutegravir (TLD)and Viral Load Suppression in Children in Port Harcourt, Nigeria. Journal of Scientific Research & Reports.2020; 26(2): 52-59 (United Kingdom) (My contribution is 50%)


41. Ibekwe MU, Paul NI. Upper Airway Obstruction among the Paediatric Population in the University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital: The Place of Tracheostomy in the Management. International Journal of TROPICAL DISEASE & Health. 2020; 41(2): 46-52 (India) (My contribution is 50%)


42. Duru CO, Paul NI, Diriyai G. Dextrocardia with single atrium misdiagnosed as pulmonary tuberculosis in a 9-year-old Nigerian girl: a case report. Pan African Medical Journal (PAMJ)-Clinical Medicine. 2020;2 Article 148 doi: 10.11604/pamj-cm.2020.2.148.22401 (Kenya) (My contribution in this paper is 30%)

43. Chijioke-Nwauche1 I, Maduka O, Awopeju A, Oboro I, Paul N, Ogoro M et al Malaria and Its Economic Burden among Pregnant Women in Rivers State, Nigeria. Open Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2020; 10 (4): 571-582. DOI: 10.4236/ojog.2020.1040051 (China) (My contribution in this paper is 20%)
44. Ibekwe MU, Paul NI. Otitis Media with Effusion among Children in a Tertiary Hospital in Port Harcourt. Journal of Global Biosciences 2020; 9(4): 7062-7069. DOI: www.mutagens.co.in/jgb/vol.09/04/090411 (China) (My contribution in this paper is 50%)



1. Paul NI, Jaja T, Opara PI, Wobo K. Occupational Exposure to Blood and Body fluids among Interns in a tertiary Hospital in Port Harcourt, Nigeria. (OB206) Nigerian Journal of Paediatrics. 2019; 46 (2): 88

2. Paul NI, Okoh BAN, Alikor EAD, Ogbonna-Njoku C. HIV Encephalopathy (HIVE) in children at the University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital, Port Harcourt, Nigeria. (OB106) Nigerian Journal of Paediatrics. 2019; 46 (2): 65

3. Chijioke-Nwauche IN, Kasso T, Maduka O, Awopeju AT, Oboro IL, Paul NI et al Economic burden of malaria in pregnant women in Rivers State, Nigeria. American Journal of tropical medicine and Hygiene. 2020; 102 (3) suppl: 310


4. Paul NI, NDDC Professional chair on malaria elimination. Malaria preventive practices among under-fives in Delta State, Nigeria American Journal of tropical medicine and Hygiene. 2020; 102 (3) suppl: 315

5. Kasso T, Oboro IL, Maduka O, Awopeju AT, Paul NI, Yaguo Ide LE et al Malaria preventive practices among pregnant women in Akwa Ibom state, Southern Nigeria. American Journal of tropical medicine and Hygiene. 2020; 102 (3) suppl: 315


6. Paul NI, Ugwu RO, Wobo K. Outcome of Prevention of Mother to Child transmission of HIV services at the University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital (OINF12) Nigerian Journal of Paediatrics. 2020; 47 (2): 158

7. Alex-Hart BA, Paul NI. Pattern and outcome of childhood tuberculosis seen at the University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital, Rivers state. (OINF13) Nigerian Journal of Paediatrics. 2020; 47 (2): 158-159


8. Ugwu RO, Paul NI, Eneh AU, Ogbonna- Njoku C. Pregnancy outcome of ART-experienced and ART-naïve HIV-infected mothers at the University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital, Port Harcourt, Nigeria. (OINF15). Nigerian Journal of Paediatrics. 2020; 47 (2): 159


9. Gabriel-Job N, Paul NI, Wobo K. Prevalence of pulmonary tuberculosis among presumptive cases in Rivers State, Nigeria. (OINF16) Nigerian Journal of Paediatrics. 2020; 47 (2): 160

10. Paul NI, Alex- Hart BA, Ugwu RO, Ogbonna- Njoku C. Tuberculosis in Children Aged 0-5 Years at the University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital, Nigeria - How Common is HIV in Children with Tuberculosis? (PINF6) Nigerian Journal of Paediatrics. 2020; 47 (2): 164

11. Wobo KN, Uchenwa TO, Paul NI. Trigeminal Herpes Zooster with Encephalitis in a HIV seronegative child: A case report. Nigerian Journal of Paediatrics. 2020; 47 (2): 165



1. Paul NI, Wobo KN. Assessing the association of severe malaria infection and ABO blood groups among children in UPTH, PH.

2. Paul NI, Yaguo Ide LE. Accidental Childhood poisoning in Paediatrics Department of a tertiary care facility: A retrospective review

3. Yaguo Ide LE, Paul NI. Feeding pattern of under-fives children in Port Harcourt.

4. Paul NI, Ugwu RO. Microbiological isolates of patients with ear infection.





  1. Pattern of Otorhinolaryngological disorders in HIV positive Paediatric patients in the university of Port Harcourt teaching Hospital
  1. Detection and Genotyping of Rotaviruses Associated with Acute Gastroenteritis among under five children in UPTH
  2. Lung function values of obese secondary school adolescents in Port Harcourt.



  1. Determinants of Mucocutaneous disorders among HIV children receiving care in two tertiary Hospitals in Port Harcourt.
  2. Prevalence of Psychosocial disorders among Adolescents aged 10-19 years with HIV infection at the University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital
  3. Burden of Helminthiasis in HIV positive and HIV negative children attending the Paediatric clinics at the University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital (UPTH) – A comparative study.
  4. Impact of Disclosure on Adherence among adolescents on ARV in UPTH







1. Secretary, Paediatric Continuing Medical Education (CME) a subsidiary of Paediatric Association of Nigeria

2. Journal Reviewer Annals of clinical microbiology and Antimicrobials

3. Journal Reviewer Journal of Pharmaceutical Research International

4. Journal reviewer, European journal of Medicine

5. Journal Reviewer, Nigerian Journal of Paediatrics

6. Paediatric Association of Nigeria (PAN) Immunization champion, South-South zone Nigeria. 2016 till date

7. Paediatric Association of Nigeria (PAN) State Immunization Monitor, Rivers state. 2016 till date




1.Member, Nigeria Medical Association (NMA)


2. Member, National Post-Graduate Medical College (NPMC), Nigeria


3. Member, Paediatric Association of Nigeria (PAN)


4. Fellow, West African College of Physicians (FWACP)


5. Member, Medical and Dental Consultants Association of Nigeria (MDCAN)


6. Member, Nigerian Society for Paediatric Infectious Diseases (NSPID)


7. Member, World Society for Paediatric Infectious Diseases (WSPID)

8. Member, Christian Medical and Dental Association (CMDA)




Treasurer, Royal Girls Secondary School Parents Teachers Organisation (PTA)       2019 till date


Key note speaker, World Breastfeeding day (WBD), Obio-Akpor LGA, Port Harcourt. WBD 2019


Resource person, Continuing Medical Education (CME) on Childhood respiratory infections

at the Department of Paediatrics, UPTH, PH (sponsored by Sanofi)                            2019


Chairman, Church of God mission (CGM) Rumuomasi, Port Harcourt Associates forum                     

2018 till date


Resource person, Continuing Medical Education (CME) on current management of Pneumonias in Children at TOTAL Oil company, Nigeria. (organized by Sanofi)                2017


Paediatric Association of Nigeria (PAN) South – South Immunization champion, involved in Monitoring of Immunization activities in the state.                                                     2016 till date


Resource person, Continuing Medical Education (CME) on Management of Asthma in Children (organized by MSD)                                                                                                                                                            2014


Resource person, Continuing Medical Education (CME) on Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission of HIV/AIDS (Organized by NMA)                                                                                       2014


Resource person, Continuing Medical Education (CME) on Infective Endocarditis in Children (organized by Astra Zenica)                                                                                                                2014


Training of Trainers (TOT) Malaria control program in Rivers state.             2013/2014


General Secretary/Director of Protocols, The Kings Assembly church         2012 -2019


Free medical consultations in Religious based organisations and communities.2009 till date


Enlightenment on Blood group/Genotype in Faith based organisations     2009 till date


Regular participation and enlightenment in Radio/TV talk shows on various health Issues.                                                                                                                                                                              2009 till date.

Disciplinary Committee Member, Association of Resident Doctors (ARD), UPTH                                                                                                                                                                                                   2008 – 2009

Clerical Officer, First Bank of Nigeria PLC, Airport Branch, Rumuomasi, PH.

1987 – 1988


General Secretary, PH Sub-zone Nigerian Fellowship of Evangelical Students (NIFES)                                                                                                                                                                                         1991 – 1992


General Secretary, Owerri Zone Nigerian Fellowship of Evangelic Students (NIFES)                                                                                                                                                                                             1992 – 1993


General Secretary, Nigerian Conference of Christian Medical and Dental Students

(NCCMDS now CMDA).                                                                                                  1994 – 1995


Youth President, Church of God Mission Rumuomasi District, PH.                               1996


Chairman, Final Year Class Activity (FYCA) Final Year Medical Students, UNIPORT                                                                                                                                                                                Feb. 1997





  1. Prof. E.A.D. Alikor

Professor of Paediatrics, University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria



  1. Prof Alice R. Nte

Professor of Paediatrics, University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria

Email: alicernte@yahoo.com


  1. Prof. R.S. Oruamabo

Provost College of Medicine, Rivers State University Teaching Hospital, Port Harcourt, Rivers State.

Email: raphael_oruamabo@hotmail.com