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Peer Review Process
Medpulse International Journal of Microbiology (MIJOMIC) is an open access, peer-reviewed medical journal. Medpulse International Journal of Microbiology follows the peer review system designed for each article published. Manuscript topics are normally approved by editor in chief. Formal peer review is conducted in collaboration with editorial board members and independent referees appointed by the editorial team of the journal. In case of a theme issue on a particular topic, the appointed Guest Editor is responsible for conducting peer review and to submit full review reports along with accepted manuscripts for the journal. We encourage our editorial teams to use the electronic submission and peer-review system to facilitate the peer-review process and support thorough record keeping.
Section Policies

Original Research Articles

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Case Reports

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Review Articles

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Educational Forum

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Letter to the Editor

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Short Communication

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Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed


Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed